@article{oai:auhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002037, author = {大竹, 昭裕 and Otake, Akihiro}, issue = {2}, journal = {青森県立保健大学雑誌, Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, Reviewing Shunosuke Inada' s constitutional doctrine, which has been found at the peripheries of the constitutional doctrine of such scholars as Yatsuka Hozumi, Shinkichi Uesugi and Tatsukichi Minobe, but nevertheless has not been fully examined so far, has important implications and performs a fundamental task, that of filling in the gap in the research of the history of Japanese constitutional doctrine. This paper verifies Inada' s arguments regarding the House of Peers. At first, Inada advocated a review on the organizational structure of the House of Peers and proposed the establishment of a conference to be held jointly by the House of Peers and the House of Representatives as a method to achieve harmonization between both Houses, but thereafter criticized the House of Peers' adopting of a non-confidence resolution against the cabinet and the minister of state. At the same time he set out to assert his principles on constitutional amendments to achieve improvement of the organizational structure of the House of Peers. Furthermore, circumstances where constitutional amendments were rendered impossible by the appointment of a Regent led him to assert that the authority of the House of Peers should be clarified by the amendments to the Law of the Houses. The assertions that the Constitution should be amended for improvement of the organizational structure of the House of Peers and that the clarification of the authority of the House of Peers may be achieved by the mendments to the Law of the Houses are noteworthy in the history of constitutional doctrine. 稲田周之助の憲法学説を検討することは、穂積八束・上杉慎吉・美濃部達吉らの憲法学説の周辺に分布しながらこれまで十分に究明されてこなかった学説を取り上げ、日本憲法学説史研究の間隙を埋める基礎作業を行う意味をもつ。本稿では、稲田の貴族院論の確認作業を行った。 稲田は、当初、貴族院組織構成の見直しを主張し、両院調和の方法として両院合同会議の創設を提案していたが、その後、貴族院による内閣・国務大臣に対する不信任決議を批判すると同時に、貴族院組織構成改革のための憲法改正の主張を展開するようになる。さらに、摂政が置かれ憲法改正が不可能であるという状況の下で、議院法改正による貴族院権限の明確化を主張するに至った。貴族院組織構成改革のための憲法改正の主張や貴族院権限の明確化は議院法改正によってなし得るとの主張は、憲法学説史のうえで注目に値する。}, pages = {191--203}, title = {稲田周之助の貴族院論 -稲田周之助憲法学説研究ノート(1)-}, volume = {10}, year = {2009}, yomi = {オオタケ, アキヒロ} }