@article{oai:auhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002044, author = {大竹, 昭裕 and Otake, Akihiro}, journal = {青森県立保健大学雑誌, Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 最高裁第1小法廷は、2009(平成21)年11月26日、特定の市立保育所を廃止する条例の制定行為が行政事件訴訟法3条による訴訟 (抗告訴訟)の対象となる行政処分に当たるとの判断を下した。この判決は、最高裁が地方公共団体の議会による立法作用である条例制定行為について処分性を肯定した初めての判決として、重要性をもつ。本稿では、この判決について、従来の学説や判例を踏まえながら若干の検討を行った。この判決では、処分性判断の前提として下された、現に保育を受けている児童及び保護者の法的地位に関する判断も注目されること、この判決は2006(平成18)年7月14日の最高裁判決から引き出される条例制定行為の処分性判断基準をほぼそのまま踏襲したものであること、また、この判決は「処分性」を柔軟に捉える判例の傾向に即したものといえるが、そこには幾つかの課題があることなどを述べた。 The first Petty Bench of the Supreme Court ruled on November 26, 2009 that the enactment of an ordinance to abolish certain municipal nursery centers falls under an administrative disposition, against which a suit (protest suit) may be filed pursuant to Article 3 of the Administrative Case Litigation Act. This ruling is significant since it is the first case in which the Supreme Court acknowledged the enactment of an ordinance, which is a legislative function of a local government council, as being the subject of a protest suit. This paper has reviewed this ruling to a certain extent by taking into consideration conventional theories and judicial precedents. The points indicated in this paper include the following: that in this ruling, the judgment, which was made as a prerequisite for determining whether the enactment qualifies as the subject of a protest suit and which concerns the legal status of the children currently receiving childcare as well as their parents, is also worthy of attention; that this ruling almost directly adheres to the standard for determining qualification to be the subject of a protest suit, as extracted from the Supreme Court judgment made on July 14, 2006; and that while this ruling can be said to be in line with the trend in judgments to treat the question as to whether a matter may be the subject of a protest suit with flexibility; however, certain issues with this ruling still remain unsolved.}, pages = {111--119}, title = {市立保育所廃止条例制定行為の処分性−最高裁第1小法廷平成21年11月26日判決−}, volume = {11}, year = {2010}, yomi = {オオタケ, アキヒロ} }