@article{oai:auhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002084, author = {大竹, 昭裕 and Otake, Akihiro}, journal = {青森県立保健大学雑誌, Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 本年(2011(平成23))年5月、本学新入生を対象に「新入学生の『法』に関する意識調査」を実施した。本稿では、そのうち、裁判員制度に関する意識の調査結果を報告し、2007年度に実施した調査の結果と比較しつつ若干の考察を行った。  今回の調査結果によれば、2007年度の調査から得られた示唆のうち、「(1)制度内容の理解が進んでも裁判員への参加意欲向上には必ずしもつながらない」との示唆は、裁判員制度施行後もそのまま当てはまる。しかし、「(2)制度内容の理解が多少とも深まるにつれて、裁判員制度導入による刑事裁判の今後を肯定的に評価・予測する割合は減り、否定的に評価・予測する割合が増えてくる傾向にある」との示唆については、裁判員制度施行後もそのまま当てはまるとの確証は得られなかった。 In May 2011, a survey of attitudes of first-year students at Aomori University of Health and Welfare towards the law was carried out. This paper reports those results of the survey concerning students' attitudes towards the lay judge system, and briefly discusses how they compare with the results of a survey conducted in 2007. The results of the present survey showed the following concerning the implications derived from the survey in 2007. The first implication, "A deepening of understanding regarding the system will not necessarily lead to improvement of the motivation to become lay judges" has held true even after the lay judge system came into force. However, with regard to the second implication, "As understanding of the system deepens to a greater or lesser extent, the proportion of those with a positive opinion and making positive predictions regarding the future of criminal trials after the introduction of the lay judge system will tend to decrease, and the proportion with negative opinions and making negative predictions will tend to increase," no evidence supporting its being true could be found even after the lay judge system came into force.}, pages = {21--32}, title = {裁判員制度に関する学生の意識動向−2011年度新入生へのアンケート調査から−}, volume = {12}, year = {2011}, yomi = {オオタケ, アキヒロ} }