@article{oai:auhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002160, author = {小山, 達也 and 千葉, 幸子 and 小沼, 奈緒美 and 向井, 庸平 and 大野, 智子 and Koyama, Tatsuya and Chiba, Sachiko and Konuma, Naomi and Mukai, Yohei and Ohno, Tomoko}, issue = {1}, journal = {青森保健医療福祉研究, Aomori Journal of Health and Welfare}, month = {Dec}, note = {[目的] 農林水産業従事者を対象に,「主食・主菜・副菜を組み合わせた食事を1 日2 回以上とる」ことと関連する食習慣を把握すること。 [方法] 2018年12月,青森県A 町の農協組合員及び漁協組合員180人を対象に,横断的自記式質問紙調査を行った。主食・主菜・副菜を組み合わせた食事の摂取頻度について回答のあった176名を解析対象とした。主食・主菜・副菜を組み合わせた食事が1 日2 回以上ある日が“ほぼ毎日”である者と,“ほぼ毎日”でない者2 群の生活習慣を比較した。 [結果] 主食・主菜・副菜を組み合わせた食事がほぼ毎日である者は71人(40%)であり, 2 群間で男女比,年齢,家族構成,飲酒頻度,喫煙状況に有意差は認められなかった。主食・主菜・副菜を組み合わせた食事がほぼ毎日である者は野菜の摂取量が多く,肉類や魚介類,卵,漬物,果物をほぼ毎日摂取する割合が高く,持ち帰り弁当や惣菜の利用頻度が低かった。主食・主菜・副菜を組み合わせた食事がほぼ毎日である者は経済的,時間的,総合的にゆとりがあると回答する割合がいずれも高かった。 [結論] 主食・主菜・副菜を組み合わせた食事の摂取頻度が高い農林水産業従事者は,野菜の摂取量が多く,肉類や魚介類,卵だけでなく,果物の摂取頻度が高く,持ち帰り弁当や惣菜の利用頻度が低いこと,ゆとりがあると回答する者が多いことが示された。, [Objective] This study aimed to determine the association between having the "Japanese well-balanced meals", consisted of grain dishes, vegetables dishes, and meat and fish dishes more than twice per day and other dietary habits among Japanese agriculture and fisheries workers in Aomori prefecture, Japan. [Methods] This cross-sectional study was conducted in a town of Aomori prefecture in December 2018. The data were collected from 180 agriculture and fisheries workers by a self-administered questionnaire, comprising the information on dietary habits; e.g. "How often do you have well-balanced meals in a week?". We analyzed the data obtained from 176 workers who answered the questions on the frequency of having a well-balanced meal. We divided the study subjects into two groups according to the frequency of having a well-balanced meal, so as to compare their lifestyle behaviors. [Results] Regarding the frequency of eating a well-balanced meal, 71 workers(40%) answered "every day". The main characteristics of those who ate a well-balanced diet every day were; 1) high vegetable intake, 2) having meats, fishes, eggs, pickles, and fruits almost every day, 3) low frequency of purchasing takeaway lunch box and ready-made side dishes, and 4) having relatively rich life, in terms of economy and time as a whole. [Conclusions] Among the study subjects, Japanese agriculture and fisheries workers in Aomori prefecture, those who eat a well-balanced diet every day were more likely to eat vegetables, meat, fishes, eggs and fruits, less likely to purchase takeaway lunch box and ready-made side dishes, and tended to have relatively rich life, in terms of economy and time as a whole.}, pages = {1--7}, title = {農林水産業従事者における主食・主菜・副菜を組み合わせた食事の摂取行動に関連する食習慣}, volume = {2}, year = {2020}, yomi = {コヤマ, タツヤ and チバ, サチコ and コヌマ, ナオミ and ムカイ, ヨウヘイ and オオノ, トモコ} }