@article{oai:auhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002162, author = {瀧澤, 透 and 種市, 寛子 and 葛西, 孝幸 and Takizawa, Tohru and Taneichi, Hiroko and Kasai, Takayuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {青森保健医療福祉研究, Aomori Journal of Health and Welfare}, month = {Dec}, note = {[目的] 公立・公的医療機関のうち,東北6県の再検証要請対象医療機関の割合は,宮城県が40病院中19病院(47.5%)と高く,秋田県では23病院中5病院(21.7%)と低かった。本研究は,東北6県の再検証要請対象医療機関の割合の違いについて,その背景要因を明らかにすることを目的とする。 [方法] 厚生労働省が2019年9月に公表した「第二十四回地域医療構想に関するワーキンググループ参考資料1-2」を資料に用いた。そのPDF データをエクセルに変換し,残差分析など統計的分析を行った。 [結果] 秋田県の回復期病床数の割合が12.1%と有意に高かった(p<0.05)。また,「救急医療」で診療実績が特に少ないとされた病院数(率)は,宮城県が40病院中23病院(57.5%)と有意に高く(p<0.01),秋田県が23病院中4病院(17.4%)と有意に低かった(p<0.05)。さらに構想区域を比較すると再検証要請対象医療機関は病院密度と関連があった。 [結論] JA 秋田厚生連の系列9病院は,秋田県の公立・公的医療の半分を担っており,病床の機能転換や救急医療に積極的であった。一方で宮城県では,近年にあった市町村合併に伴う,旧市町村立病院の再編統合が求められていた。再検証要請対象医療機関の背景や課題を理解した上で,地域の実情に応じた医療機関の分担・連携,集約となるよう,議論が必要であることが示唆された, [Objective] In the Tohoku region, the percentage of public hospitals judged to be in need of realignment is as follows; highest in Miyagi Prefecture ( 19 out of 40 hospitals (47.5%)), while 5 out of 23 hospitals (21.7%) being in Akita Prefecture. The purpose of this study is to identify determinant factors for the differences in the proportion of medical institutions judged to be in need of realignment discussions. [Methods] We used the "24th Working Group on the Regional Healthcare Concept, Reference 1-2" published in September 2019 by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) as a material.Data on the PDF were converted to EXCEL and a statistical analysis was performed by an χ2 test (including residual analysis) and Kruskal-Wallis test. [Results] The percentage of recovery beds in Akita was significantly higher at 12.1%(p<0.05). There was a difference in the number (rate) of hospitals with a particularly low number of records in the "Emergency Medicine" category. The rate in Miyagi Prefecture was significantly higher (p<0.01) with 23 out of 40 hospitals (57.5%), while that in Akita was significantly lower (p<0.05) with 4 out of 23 hospitals (17.4%). In addition, in a comparison of the areas of Community Health Care Vision, reorganization candidates' public hospitals were associated with hospital density relative to population. [Conclusions] The nine hospitals of Akita Prefectural Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives for Health and Welfare are responsible for half of the public medical care in Akita Prefecture, and they are also proactive in changing the function of the hospital beds, and emergency medicine. In Miyagi Prefecture, on the other hand, the former municipal hospitals had been required to reorganize and consolidate in connection with the recent municipal mergers. The division, coordination and consolidation of health care providers will reflect the realities of the effected regions.}, pages = {20--27}, title = {東北地方における公的病院再編統合の地域差の要因 -「424リスト」を用いた県間と構想区域の統計的比較検証-}, volume = {2}, year = {2020}, yomi = {タキザワ, トオル and タネイチ, ヒロコ and カサイ, タカユキ} }