@article{oai:auhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002212, author = {浅田, 豊 and 川内, 規会 and 李, 相潤 and 小笠原, メリッサ and 山田, 真司 and 廣森, 直子 and 角濱, 春美 and Asada, Yutaka and Kawauchi, Kie and Lee, Sangun and Ogasawara, Mellisa and Yamada, Masashi and Hiromori, Naoko and Kadohama, Harumi}, issue = {2}, journal = {青森保健医療福祉研究, Aomori Journal of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {〔目的〕模擬討論における討論内容やグループメンバーとの相互作用や学年間の習熟度の差を検討し,討論テーマに道筋を示すガイドを行うことがグループ討議にどのような影響を及ぼすかを検討する。 〔方法〕「監視カメラの設置について」の主題のもと大学1年生と4年生に議論の道筋やポイントを示すガイドあり,ガイドなしの4群に分け,同じテーマで討議を行わせた。録音データのテープ起こしをし,意味内容のある発話のみを対象データとし,論点の捉え方や発展性などを分析した。 〔結果〕「監視する側からの監視のメリット」「監視カメラのデメリットを少なくする方策」「グローバルな視点での他国との比較」を含む10件の論点に関し,1年生と4年生,ガイドあり群とガイドなし群で討論内容と発展性に違いが現れた。1年生ガイドなし群では周りの影響を受けやすく議論を深めることは不十分で,1年生ガイドあり群でも専門的な観点から議論を深めることが不十分であった。4年生ガイドなし群では繰り返し多角的に議論を進めており,自分たちで問題提起をした内容に対し討論や提案ができ,4年生ガイドあり群は論文を活用するなど専門的立場からお互いの意見を補い合って議論ができており,具体的な対象を広げつつ事象を抽象化した討論が見られた。 〔結論〕自らを高める力の習熟度として1年生より4年生に向上が見られたため,議論のガイド・サポートの与え方を工夫することで,カリキュラムを保持発展させることが望まれる。, [Objective]In order to examine the content of discussions, the interaction between group members, and differences in proficiency levels between grades in mock discussions, and assess what impact a topic discussion guide has on group discussions. [Methods]Four groups of university students, two first-year and two fourth-year, were created, and one group from each year level received a guide showing a path and points for discussion, while the oth-ers did not. All four groups discussed Surveillance Camera Installations. Transcriptions of recorded data were made, and only meaningful utterances were used as target data to analyse students’ per-ceptions on the issue and how the discussion developed. [Results]Differences emerged in the content and development of discussions between first-year students and fourth-year students, and between guided and unguided groups, on ten issues, including “The advantages of surveillance from the perspective of those who monitor”, “Measures to reduce the dis-advantages of surveillance cameras” and “Comparisons with other countries from a global perspec-tive”. The unguided group of first-year students were unable to deepen their discussions because they were easily influenced by other group members, and the guided group of first-year students were not sufficiently able to deepen their discussions from a professional point of view. Students in the fourth-year group without a guide had repeated discussions from multiple perspectives and were able to discuss and make proposals based on the content of their own presentations. The guided fourth-year group was able to complement each other’s opinions from a professional standpoint by using academic articles, and broad discussions that expanded on specific ideas were observed. [Conclusion]Because a higher degree of self-improvement in fourth-grade than in first-grade students was demonstrated, the curriculum should be maintained and developed by devising ways to provide further guidance and support for discussion.}, pages = {65--71}, title = {大学1・4年生による模擬討論の論点から見た議論の発展性の比較 (ディプロマポリシー;「自らを高める力」の育成評価報告I)}, volume = {4}, year = {2023}, yomi = {アサダ, ユタカ and カワウチ, キエ and リー, サンユン and オガサワラ, メリッサ and ヤマダ, マサシ and ヒロモリ, ナオコ and カドハマ, ハルミ} }