@article{oai:auhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002215, author = {伊藤, 瑠美 and 大西, 基喜 and Ito, Rumi and Ohnishi, Motoki}, issue = {2}, journal = {青森保健医療福祉研究, Aomori Journal of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {〔目的〕がん周術期患者の口腔ケアの有効性と口腔衛生状態の維持および改善に関わる要因について検討した。 〔方法〕対象者は初回のがん手術予定があり,術前準備の一環として医科より歯科介入依頼があった成人患者とした。初診時は電子診療録より患者情報,がん治療情報,口腔内評価指標5項目を抽出し,歯周病患者のセルフケアに対する自己効力感測定尺度(SESS)を用いた。手術後の評価は3ヵ月後とし,電子診療録より初診時と同様の口腔内評価指標5項目の抽出と自己効力感測定を行った。術後呼吸器感染症罹患の有無は電子診療録による術後経過,患者から歯科受診日までの肺炎・気管支炎・胸膜炎のいずれかにおける受療の有無や入院歴,治療歴,禁煙状況について聴き取り調査を行った。 〔結果〕141名(男性68名,女性73名,平均年齢65.39±11.09歳)を解析対象者とした。3か月後,口腔内評価指標は5項目すべてで有意に改善した(p<0.001)。術後呼吸器感染症罹患者は認めなかった。2週間以上の術前歯科診療期間(p=0.002),SESSの変化量(p=0.001)はプラーク付着状況(PCR)改善に寄与し,糖尿病を有すること(p=0.004)はPCR悪化に影響していた。自己効力感では総得点(p<0.001),3つの下位尺度(p<0.001)すべてで有意に向上した。 〔結論〕2週間以上の術前歯科診療期間が確保できることで口腔衛生状態は改善し,術後呼吸器感染症も認めなかった。それに付随して自己効力感の向上にもつながった。, [Objective]This study investigated the efficacy of oral care in the perioperative period for patients with cancer and factors associated with the maintenance and improvement of their oral hygiene status. [Methods]The subjects were adult patients with cancer who were scheduled to undergo the first operation and were referred by their physician for dental intervention in preparation for cancer surgery. At the first examination, basic patient data, cancer therapy data, and five items related to oral hygiene were extracted from electronic charts, and the patients were evaluated using the Self-Efficacy Scale for Self-care(SESS), which was designed to assess self-care in patients with periodontal disease. At the three-month postop-erative assessment, the five oral hygiene assessment items evaluated during the first examination were extracted from electronic charts, and the patients were re-evaluated using the SESS. Electronic charts were reviewed for the postoperative course and data on postoperative respiratory infections. Additionally, the patients were interviewed for any medical consultations required for pneumonia, bronchitis, or pleuri- tis and a history of treatment, hospitalization, or smoking up to the day of dental consultation. [Results]The analysis included 141 patients(68 men, 73 women; mean age: 65.39±11.09 years). All five oral hygiene items significantly improved three months postoperatively(p<0 .001), and no patient had postoperative respiratory infections. Plaque control record(PCR)was improved by preoperative dental care for at least two weeks(p=0 .002)and a change in the SESS score(p=0 .001), and aggravated by diabetes mellitus. In terms of self-efficacy, the total score(p<0 .001)and the three subscales(p<0.001)contributed to significant improvement. [Conclusions]Two or more weeks of preoperative dental care improved oral hygiene status, prevented postoperative respiratory infections, and improved self-efficacy in patients scheduled to undergo sur-gery for cancer therapy.}, pages = {88--97}, title = {がん周術期患者の口腔ケアの有効性に関わる諸要因の検討}, volume = {4}, year = {2023}, yomi = {イトウ, ルミ and オオニシ, モトキ} }