@article{oai:auhw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000793, author = {勘林, 秀行 and Kanbayashi, Hideyuki}, issue = {2}, journal = {青森県立保健大学紀要, Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, In April 2000, the long-term care insurance system was enforced, put municipalities under obligation to provide services by care management. A merit of this system is that nessary services are recived through an unified comprehensive procedure. It is intended to provide social support to long-term care for the elderly and to enable elderly people to maintain their human dignity through the end of their lives by carrying on self-sufficient living in the condition in which they require long-term care. For this purpose, it is important that services are provided by care management from the viewpoit of rehabilitation and that people of various professions related clients work together., 国立情報学研究所の「学術雑誌公開支援事業」により電子化されました}, pages = {171--175}, title = {地域ケアにおけるリハビリテーションの視点}, volume = {3}, year = {2002}, yomi = {カンバヤシ, ヒデユキ} }